f, F F or F. fable fabric fabulous face facet facial facilitate facility fact factor factory factual faculty fad fade Fahrenheit fail failure faint fair¹ fair² fairground fairly fairy faith faithful fake falcon fall fallen fallout false falsehood falter fame familiar family famine famous fan¹ fan² fanatic fancy fang fantastic fantasy far faraway fare farewell farm farmer farming farsighted farther farthest fascinate fashion fast¹ fast² fasten fastener fast food fat fatal fate father father-in-law fathom fatigue fatten faucet fault favor favorable favorite fawn fear fearful fearless feast feat feather feature Feb. February fed federal federation fee feeble feed feel feeler feeling feet feign feint fell¹ fell² fellow fellowship felt¹ felt² female feminine fence fencing fender ferment fern ferocious ferret Ferris wheel ferry fertile fertilize fertilizer festival festivity fetch feud feudalism fever few fiancé fiancée fib fiber fiberglass fiction fiddle field fielder field glasses field trip fierce fiesta fife fifteen fifteenth fifth fiftieth fifty fig fight fighter figure figurehead figure of speech filament file¹ file² filet filings fill fillet filling filly film filter filth filthy fin final finale finalist finally finance financial finch find fine¹ fine² finger fingernail fingerprint finish Finland Finn Finnish fiord fir fire firearm firecracker fire department fire engine fire escape fire extinguisher firefighter firefly firehouse fireman fireplace fireproof fireside firewood fireworks firm¹ firm² first first aid first-class firsthand first-rate fish fisherman fishery fishhook fishing rod fishy fission fist fit¹ fit² five fix fixture fjord FL Fla. flag flagpole flair flake flame flamingo flammable flank flannel flap flapjack flare flash flashlight flask flat flatcar flatfish flatten flatter flattery flavor flavoring flaw flawless flax flea fled flee fleece fleet¹ fleet² fleeting flesh fleshy flew flex flexible flick flicker¹ flicker² flied flier flight¹ flight² flight attendant flimsy flinch fling flint flintlock flip flipper flirt flit float flock floe flood floodlight floor flop floppy floppy disk floral Florida florist floss flounder¹ flounder² flour flourish flow flower flown flu flue fluff fluffy fluid flung fluorescent fluoridate fluoride fluorine flurry flush¹ flush² fluster flute flutter fly¹ fly² flycatcher flyer flying fish flying saucer foal foam foam rubber focus fodder foe fog foggy foghorn foil¹ foil² foil³ fold¹ fold² folder foliage folk folk dance folklore folk music folk singer folk song folktale follow follower following folly fond font food food chain food processor fool foolish foot football foothill footing footlights footnote footprint footstep footstool for forage forbade forbid force forceful forceps ford fore fore- forearm forecast forefather forefinger forefoot foregone foreground forehead foreign foreigner foreleg foreman foremost forerunner foresaw foresee foreseen foresight forest forest ranger foretell foretold forever forfeit forgave forge¹ forge² forget forgetful forget-me-not forgive forgiven forgiveness forgot forgotten fork form formal formation former formerly formula forsake forsaken forsook forsythia fort forth fortieth fortification fortify fortress fortunate fortune fortuneteller forty forum forward forwards fossil fossil fuel foster fought foul foul line found¹ found² foundation foundry fountain fountain pen four Four-H club fourteen fourteenth fourth Fourth of July fowl fox foxhound fraction fracture fragile fragment fragrance fragrant frail frame framework franc France frank frankfurter frantic fraud fray freak freckle free freedom freeway freeze freezer freight freighter French French fries French Guiana French horn Frenchman Frenchwoman frenzy frequency frequent fresh freshen freshman freshwater Fri. friar friction Friday fried friend friendly friendship fright frighten frightful frigid fringe Frisbee frivolous frog frogman frolic from frond front frontier frost frostbite frosting frosty froth frown froze frozen frugal fruit frustrate fry ft. fudge fuel fugitive -ful fulcrum fulfill full full moon fully fumble fume fun function fund fundamental funeral fungi fungus funnel funny fur furious furlough furnace furnish furniture furrow furry further furthermore furthest fury fuse¹ fuse² fuselage fusion fuss future future tense fuzz fuzzy